Saturday, February 7, 2015

2/2-6 Weekly Updates/Observations

With this week's causality from the Terrestrial Tank (2), and the subsequent reduction of the fish ratio to 1:2, we will be adding 4 to 6 new fish on Monday to even out the ratio of fish in each tank. The question of having 5 in each tank or 6 depends on fish health and plant growth on Monday (2/9). Trellises are also being planned to sustain the rapid growth of the G. max and avoid having rigidity compromised by weight. Dracaena braunii (bamboo) is also being considered as an addition to the tanks to provide oxygen.

We observed that the current greater growth in the Galactic Tank (1) is not due to protein food content, but to its population, and therefore waste output, being twice as large as the Terrestrial Tank's (2) due to the aforementioned casualties. This will be logged as an error when considering data. The G. max has grown into and around the lamp bulb, so a taller lap will be needed along with plant supports.

G. max growing towards the lamp.

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